
Obituary of concrete

She is not very beautiful. It's not even in good shape. I think it even serves as a kind of barrier so that the chairs don't accidentally slide onto the playing field or that it's a little harder for the chair to reach someone's head during HNL matches.


It is not even the first in Croatia. Nor is it even the first to precede a major football pitch. However, Sokol cycling boys were the first to cede their racetrack to a club from Maksimir.


But what is certain is that she is the only one. The only one in Croatia and the only one for us cyclists. The chances of us getting a new one is zero. This is not a sport that is interesting to the public, and Croats love concrete in other forms anyway. This is not a country where the public knows what a bike velodrom is. Voters don't respond to that. Within the political-pragmatic circus of local (or state) authorities, this is a reality. Like it or not.


On Monday, the Zagreb Cycling School will write the first line of the obituary for this track. It's not that we didn't expect her. As those (the only ones) who will inherit the new stadium would say - we didn't even stand a chance.

Try to come and leave your personal mark on the concrete of this soothing old woman. It was probably her time. Sarcastically, with the death of that old woman, maybe she will somehow reach the public. To get at least those few minutes of fame.

And maybe they notice the cyclists with the right to vote.

Until the next election.

Zvonko Čubrić