General business terms
General company information:
Name: Tom Tom Gornji Grad d.o.o.
Address: Vrbje 1B, 10 000 Zagreb Croatia
[email protected]
Cost of call is charged under business Terms and Conditions of mobile telecommunication service provider of phone number user.
Working hours of info telephone number are every day from 7:00 until 21:00.
Company is registered in Trade court in Zagreb:
IBAN: HR3624020061100703291
Share capital: 20.000,00 kn / paid entirely in cash.
Legal representative: Čubrić Zvonko
OIB (VAT number): 23743349287
General Terms
Tom Tom Gornji Grad d.o.o. is providing its online services through web page Service is consisting of information sharing, selling of products and management of various content.
User or customer is personally responsible for protection of passwords. User or customer is informed that sometimes service can be stopped due to events that are out of company control and that in this situation Tom Tom Gornji Grad d.o.o. is not responsible for any data loss or any damage to electronic devices of users or customers that may occur. User or customer is accepting that sometimes access to web page can be out of service (temporary) or completely disabled.
Tom Tom Gornji Grad d.o.o. has the right to change or stop completely with certain segments of business in any moment, including, and without limitations, content, working hours or any techincal equipment for using web page
Moreover, Tom Tom Gornji Grad d.o.o. can stop sending any informations or part of informations; it can change or stop with certain data transfers and change speed of transfers or any other characteristics.
Tom Tom Gornji Grad d.o.o. has the right, without previous notice, to erase or change any part of General business terms and Notice of privacy practices. With continuation of using web page, even after publishment of this changes, user or customers is automatically accepting them.
This webpage is private ownership. Complete communication and interaction on web page has to be in accordance with published General business terms.
All published content on web page are exclusive ownership of Tom Tom Gornji Grad d.o.o. or they are being used under permission of original copyrights owners.
User or customer agrees that usage of web page is on own responsibility. Tom Tom Gornji Grad d.o.o. does not guarantee for the following: 1. Any consequences that occured by using this web page, 2. For accuracy or content reliabillity of any information, service or item sourced from this web page.
User or customer is agreeing that Tom Tom Gornji Grad d.o.o. is not responsible for insulting, impropriate or ilegal behaviour of its users or any third party and any damage that may occur as a consecvence of this behaviour.
Tom Tom Gornji Grad d.o.o. has the right to terminate any passwords or user accounts in any cases that are, under its discretion, impropriate and are in collision with General business terms.
User or customer can send any comments or inquiries in writing, by post or e-mail. Tom Tom Gornji Grad d.o.o. will answer in writing or through e-mail in statutory terms. is registrated trademark of Tom Tom Gornji Grad d.o.o.. is registered domain of Tom Tom Gornji Grad d.o.o..
Headquarters of Tom Tom Gornji Grad d.o.o. is in Zagreb, Croatia. All legal disputes that my occur while using web page (unless it is stated differently by special contracts) are in jurisdiction of court in Zagreb. By using web page, user or customer agrees that any dispute will be solved under jurisdiction of court in Zagreb.
Written complaints, answers, notices
If you are nor satisfied with provided service, you can send a complaint to Tom Tom Gornji Grad d.o.o.. Complaints can be written and send through postal service, you can call on phone number 091/6032649 or you can send an e-mail on [email protected].